Sunday, June 23, 2013

Shopping from ebay - Vintage Swimwear

Poolside wool in Coral Gables (via Florida Memory Project)

When I was a student in Seattle, the University pool leased out woolen bathers for day use.  This was 1990.  I'm pretty sure the school stocked their supply from the municipal pool in Buster Keaton's The Camerman.  If you're shopping for your very own vintage suit, I advise that you browse the listings on ebay.  A recent search produced many handsome models.  My favorites are those made by the Portland, Oregon based Jantzen swimwear company.  The company's logo - a swan diving lady - is in desperate need of reissue.

Keaton's bather

Note accessory rubber bathing shoes


1 comment:

John HP said...

These are great, had no idea you could find this sort of stuff on eBay! We love classic style.....