Friday, August 31, 2012

Archival Utensils

I've been shopping from Cornell library's Human Ecology Historical Photograph collection for new utensil sets. I love the elegant presentation and the grouping of tools by function. Each photograph reminds me of the first frame of an Eadweard Muybridge motion study. I'm waiting for a pair of hands to enter the frame and activate each items use value.

Camping dishes should be light, strong and effective

Strainers of all kinds from a wire basket for blanching to puree strainer for pulping.

Canning: Knives and sharpener, spoons and lifters, Funnels and ladles - all invaluable in preserving and pickling.

Camping: A hunting knife well-sheathed, the not-to-be-forgotten screw driver and pliers, a compass to guide you, with matches protected from the water and even the corkscrew.

Glass ovenware

Equipment - general

Cake and mold pans

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