Saturday, September 24, 2011

Archival Exercise: Rope Jumping

Count the Olympic brand jump rope as another best quality product still being manufactured in Oregon. The plastic beaded Olympic rope was designed over 45 years ago by a coach who was looking for a durable sports product that could be used both indoors and outdoors. The Archival Web Shop is now offering this rope in five different sizes including a double dutch model.

Rope jumping is a nearly perfect exercise. It's low impact, provides cardio training and enhances general strength and coordination. As one early health publication remarks, "[t]he jumping-rope has long been famous as a flesh reducer. It is this because you can jump rapidly enough to burn away superfluous tissues." No expensive equipment or gym membership is required. All you need is a sturdy pair of shoes and a good rope.

Here, Sara, wearing apron and clogs, gets in a little exercise while waiting for the grill to heat.

Some basic jump rope exercises from the Navy Seal Physical Fitness guide:

Instructions for producing your own rope from scratch:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you think time / your life is moving way too fast. The Cure is a Jump Rope and a clock.....